Aside from the names and events described, what follows is an entirely fictional story inspired by journalistic depictions from news media of the events of September 1, 2015, and the subsequent revelations and allegations of misconduct. No disrespect is meant to anyone, especially the Gliniewicz family, the Village of Fox Lake, Law Enforcement agencies, or youth outreach programs, nor is the story intended to tarnish the nearly 30 years of service that Lt. Gliniewicz provided to his community.
on Joe, just hold on. Calm down... Think! think. It's not... I just
need to think. Man did I fuck this up. Just hang on. Where's my gun?
Dammit! Okay, think... It's gonna be fine, you just need to figure
this out. You can do this. They never... they came close but you
always came out on top... smelling like a fucking rose, man... None
of 'em. Nobody figured it out yet. They got nothing on me. That
scrawny bitch. She won't take me down. None of 'em will. I never
stole nothing in my life, nothing I didn't deserve. Man, I just need
to breathe. Come on, Joe. Breathe man! You got help on the way.
Remember the story. Just stick to the story. Line of duty injury.
That bitch. Man, fuck her. She's gonna take away what I earned? Fuck
no. Christ this hurts. Move your arm, man. Come on, just move your
arm. Move something... Come on. Move, man. Not much longer now.
Help's coming. You're gonna retire. That party... I'm retiring
sweetheart, no one's gonna find out, come on, just the tip... Air
conditioning in there, man. Nice and cool. Fucking EMT's get air
conditioning where they work... I'm sweating my balls off... Stay
here. Just stay. Move something, man. A toe, anything. Something's
wrong. Where's my gun? Scared the shit outta me when it went off...
What happened, I know what I was doing. It just, I must have... too
low. That's it. John fucking McClane did it. Clean, through and
through. Hero time... I was just protecting the citizens... I'm a
fucking hero. I do the job... thirty fucking years I did it. Fuck the
Village Administrator and her whole fucking office... What the fuck
is that. What gives her the right? Money? That's nothing. I'm here,
sweating... Scared the shit outta me. Where's my gun? Man is it hot.
Christ... if I could just move a little. It'll come back... I'll be
back. Just breathe, Joe. Come on. Where's my backup? If my gun's
under me that'll ruin it. I can't be on my gun. They took it from me
and dropped it. So hot. Summertime on the Chain. Next time you shoot
yourself... just a breeze would be nice. Come on, God. A little
breeze. I'll make it right. It'll be okay.... You want me to say I'm
sorry? Fuck yea, I'm sorry. Sorry I fucked this up. Fucking gun
scared the shit outta me. Too soon, bitch. I wasn't ready. Just this
last one. One more time, then I'm straight. No more. I got nothing
more than what they owed me. That's all. Just a loaf of bread... if
my kids was starving... just a loaf... it's fine, I'll be fine. I'm
just bleeding... my fucking thumb... I musta let go. The round
launched it off me. Good, good. My gun's over there, not next to me,
perfect... Never shoot a gun with your thumb on the trigger. John
McClane, man, he could do it. Right through the shoulder. Sure to
miss, don't hit anything important. Christ... it went too deep. The
vest. I shoulda thought about that. The vest was in the way. Next
time. Loosen the Velcro. The muzzle... That's what did it. Thumb on
the trigger... I couldn't balance it... no meeting for you Anne. I'm
a hero. I got shot. When I get out I'll be retired. Stop worrying
about the money I took, worry about finding my pension in the budget.
The kids. I'll tell the kids what I did. They'll fucking build a
statue... I squeezed too hard... damnit... how else? My vest. Shoulda
taken it off. The vest wouldn't move away. How'm I gonna shoot myself
in the fucking shoulder with the top of the vest in the way? ... I
tried to push it out of the way. Damnit Joe! Take the vest off. You
rushed it. Stuck the barrel in... tried to line the shot up... the
collar bone, man. Shoot there... just like Die Hard. You squeezed the
trigger asshole. What the fuck? Fucking idiot, man. Come on backup. I
need you. Finally, a fucking breeze. Yea man, we're okay now. Nice
and cool...too cool... Your dad's a hero, D.J.... Punks tried to
shoot him... you can't kill G.I. Joe, man... he's lost a lotta blood
but he's a fighter. You'll see. Your old man's a hero. That bullet
went deep. Fuck man, that fucking bullet. Never put your thumb on the
trigger and never use your pistol to pry your vest off your
shoulder... Fucked up, man, I fucked up. Come on, man, open your
eyes... No texts for you Anne. Can't make the meeting, I'm in the
hospital. Leave him alone, he took a bullet for Fox Lake. He's a
hero. He was here before you and he'll be here after you're just a
bad memory. Just let him be. He's a hero. That bullet went too
deep... Fuck me... No way I'm dying here. No fucking way. Where's my
gun? Shit... I can't feel it. It was in my hand. No way I'm dying.
I'm a hero. Clean up my stuff, man. I'd do it for you. Clean it up,
throw it away. I'm dying, fuck I'm dying, I can't... I can't hear...
no sirens man, I need backup! What's going on? It's almost done...
Just get me home, I'll be fine. Just come get me... I'm sorry man, I
fucked up. Don't let me... I'm just wounded. Don't leave me here.
Come on, it's just money God. Don't let me die for that. I paid for
it, man, I'm just doin' my job. Don't call my wife. I just need some
time to figure this out. Just breathe man, just take it easy. A week
from now you'll be sleeping in every day, Joe. All you gotta do is figure this
out. I need to move... come on, Joe. You've been worse off... just a
shoulder wound, maybe a little more. Get the mother fuckers that shot
me. Remember the story man, stick to the story. You got shot in the
line of duty, Fuck man, too late, you fuckers! Come get me! Where are
you? I can't... I can't... I'm a hero... I'm a hero... Why now? Just
money... Come on, man, breathe, why can't you breathe? Never use your
thumb to shoot yourself. Tell the explorers... remember kids, not the
thumb. Don't... loosen your vest first, kids, loosen your vest first
so you can feel your collar bone. The EMT's are gonna take it off you
anyway... no one will know you loosened it first... Just a clean
shot... Yea, it's gonna hurt but getting pinched hurts worse... no
one's gonna tell me to be in a meeting when I've been shot... I'm a
hero... I'm a hero...